1、Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Introduction The so-called large civil. Refers to all and water, soil, culture-related infrastructure-related projects, construction and maintenance. At present, the civil work projects include: roads, water supply, drainage, flood control works and transport. The past, all non-military use of civilian projects, classified into this category, but with the increasingly vast engineering sciences, many of the original content belong to the scope of civil engineering have been a separate section. At present, from the narrow definition, is equivalent to the Civil Engineering civil engineering, or construction (or structural engineering) This small-scale. Civil Engineering Introduction Business training objectives: the professional training of various civil engineering disciplines to master the basic theory and basic knowledge in housing construction, underground construction (including mine construction), roads, tunnels, bridges, buildings, hydropower stations, ports and offshore structures and facilities, water supply drainage and ground treatment in areas such as planning, design, construction, management and research, engineering and technical personnel, senior. Operational training requirements: The students mainly study engineering mechanics, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, municipal engineering, water supply and drainage engineering and hydraulic engineering disciplines, basic theory and knowledge, by the engineering drawing, engineering, surveying, computer applications, professional test, structural design and construction practice areas such as basic training, and have engaged in construction, transportation works, water conservancy and hydropower engineering, port engineering, coastal engineering and water supply and drainage: the planning, design, construction, management and related research capacity. Graduates should be given the following knowledge and ability to: 1. Natural Science has a solid foundation for a better foundation for the humanities and social sciences and foreign language integrated capacity; 2. Master of engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock and soil mechanics, engineering geology and engineering drawing of the basic theory and basic knowledge; 3. Grasp the building materials, structural calculations, component design, ground treatment, water supply and drainage engineering and computer applications, basic knowledge, principles, methods and skills, has engaged in preliminary design of civil structural engineering and research capabilities; 4. Master construction machinery, electrical engineering, engineering, surveying, construction technology and construction organization, construction monitoring, project budget, as well as aspects of the tendering procedures for the basic knowledge and basic skills, has engaged in preliminary engineering, management and research capacity; 5. Familiar with the construction of various types of civil engineering principles, policies and regulations; 6. Understanding of civil engineering disciplines of the trunk and cutting-edge developments in theory; 7. Master the literature of information retrieval and the basic method of inquiry has a certain capacity for scientific research and practical work. Major Courses: Trunk disciplines: mechanical, civil engineering, water conservancy projects. Main courses: engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock mechanics with disabilities, the foundation and infrastructure, engineering geology, engineering, hydrology, engineering drawing, computer applications, construction materials, concrete structures, steel structures, engineering structures, water supply and drainage works, construction technology and管理. The main practice teaching links include: engineering drawing, awareness training, surveying practices, engineering geology internship, professional practice or production practice, the structure of curriculum design, graduate thesis, such as design or general arrangement for about 40 weeks. The main experiment: the experimental mechanics of materials, experimental materials, structural testing, soil testing. Period of Study: Four years Conferment of academic degrees: Bachelor of Engineering Similar professional: Architecture, Construction Engineering Technology Civil Engineering and Town Planning Building Environment and Equipment Engineering, Civil Engineering to the drainage works to cross the river bridge and road works。
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